Tomato is one of the most consumed fruits by humans throughout the world. As you may know, it can be used for: .
- Making salads.
- Making stews.
- Make sauces.
- And many more things…
It is tremendously nutritious, and you know what? Its cultivation is not complicated at all. Although you must consider several important things to get the most out of it.
- When? Spring.
- Where? In a location with maximum sun exposure.
- Harvest time? 2.5 months.
- How do we prepare the soil? Ideally plowed, soft, well-drained soil (power tiller).
- Seed spacing? Between 40 and 60 cm.
- Substrate and fertilizer? Animal and vegetable.
- How do we start? With seeds (more difficult) or seedlings (easier).
- Ideal irrigation option? Drip.
- How often do we water? Daily or every other day (depending on the heat). Between 30 and 60 minutes (depending on heat).
- What does it require? Drained soil and lots and lots of sunlight.
- What do we plant next to it? Onions, garlic, lettuce, carrots, nasturtium and broccoli.
- What should we NOT plant next to it? Potatoes and cabbages.
- What are common diseases? Whitefly, spider mites, fungus, spider mites.
How to grow tomatoes step by step
Step 1: Buy certified seeds
Start by buying certified seeds or even take some of your tomatoes. We recommend that you don’t wash the seed; dry it a bit with a paper towel and sow it directly.
- Planta de ciclo medio, con frutos redondos de color rosado
- Siembra de diciembre a marzo
- En semillero, trasplantar cuando la planta tenga 3-4 hojas a un marco de 40 x 80 cm
- Cosecha a partir de 4-5 meses
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Step 2: Prepare a pot or potting soil
Prepare a seedbed or use recyclable containers, such as egg cartons, clean small plastic pots or bottles cut in half. Just make sure they are clean and have holes for drainage.
Step 3: Buy quality substrate
Buy a good quality substrate, ask about its properties and evaluate your options. We can recommend you to buy this one on Amazon. The substrate is something vital when it comes to maximizing our tomato production.
- SUSTRATO UNIVERSAL. Pack 4 Sacos de turba 70 Litros de CALIDAD PREMIUM
- Para plantas de interior, balcón o terraza. Plantas vigorosas y robustas gracias al valioso abono natural de guano
- Con Aqua Plus para una óptima absorción del agua. Abono Premium para un sano y duradero crecimiento de las plantas
- Aporte de nutrientes según las necesidades gracias al efecto equilibrante de la arcilla. Recomendado usar con abundante...
Última actualización el 2024-02-07 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Step 4: Place two seeds in each container or pot.
Place at least two seeds in each container, you can plant them not too deep (one centimeter deep is more than enough).
Step 5: Lightly moisten the substrate
Moisten the substrate slightly (do not drown the plant) and cover the container with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from escaping too quickly.
Then you can find a convenient space in your home where you can check it frequently (it is not necessary to have a lot of light at this point) and keep the substrate moist.
Step 6: About 8-10 days to see the first sprouts
After about 8 to 10 days, you can start to see the sprouts; at this point, you should place the plants in a spot with a lot of light (taking care of the cold currents) or use light lamps near them (about 5-10 cm away).
If the two seeds you placed at the beginning are born, evaluate which one is the strongest and cut the other (a bit cruel but necessary!).
Step 7: Maintain a constant and moderate water flow.
Keep the water flow moderate (don’t drown them but let the substrate dry out). One of the best ways to water tomato plants is by drip irrigation. Drip gets plenty of water to the roots without flooding them.
Plus we can save a lot of water.
Step 8: After 6-8 weeks….
After 6-8 weeks and when the cold is gone (or in case you live in a Tropical climate, you wait until your plants are a good size) you can place your plants in the space where they will eventually grow.
You don’t need to transplant yet, but you need to get them used to their new space; you can start on sunny schedules of 2 to 3 hours a day.
Step 9: The cold has passed
The cold is gone! Your plants are already a good size; after eight weeks, you can transplant them to their final location.
Step 10: Clean the soil
Clean the soil of weeds. If you have a power tiller or hoe, it is ideal for plowing the ground well so that it is loose and drains properly.
- Potencia: explosión 4t, 210 cc, 7hp, 3600 rpm, refrigerado al aire: si
- Fresas (alcance x profundidad): 380 x 350 mm x2 (910 x 250 mm), cambio: "r" + "1" + "2", ruído: 86db (a)
- Accesorios: abrezanjas regulable, fresas, rueda neumático
- Componentes incluidos: Motoazada con acesorios
Última actualización el 2024-02-07 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Step 11: Transplant
Put materia orgánica casera como el compost or good substrate in the hole. Be sure to moisten (not puddle) the hole and insert the seedling you have. Cover carefully, until only the stem is visible.
Step 12: Finally, straw mulch + abundant water + sun.
To finish and watch our tomato plants grow, mulch the soil with straw. It will greatly prevent weed growth.
- Paja de cebada de calidad alimentaria. Fabricada en Lancashire con los más altos estándares de calidad.
- Ideal para caballos y otros animales grandes.
- Excelente como cama para todas las mascotas y animales.
- Bala comprimida, popular como asiento para jardín y al aire libre.
Última actualización el 2024-02-07 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Step 13: Daily drip watering
If possible, two times a day, about 20-30 minutes, if you have a timer. Otherwise, only once for about 40 minutes.
In general, tomato plants are ideal plants to grow in an urban garden. The reason is that if you have a little space, sunlight for several hours of the day, and a few pots, you can fill your home garden with tomatoes of all kinds. You don’t need much more than this.
The tomato is a widespread type of fruiting vegetable throughout the world.
In the following article, we will see in detail how to plant tomatoes and be able to have a good harvest in our garden.
Taking care of a living thing, watching its growth, development and eventually enjoying its fruits can be nothing less than exciting. For that reason, it is an activity enjoyed by people of any age, gender, and nationality; planting is just a taste that unites us all (just like eating!).
Control over what we grow guarantees us freedom from pesticides and dubious chemicals applied to our food.
They are opening the healthy window of organic products and their outstanding and enhanced flavor.
There are different types of planting, each with varying levels of difficulty, space, care, and climatic needs. One that many experts will agree is one of the most rewarding: the cultivation of tomatoes.
The heaviest grown tomato in history was produced by an American farmer named Gordon Graham in 1986, weighing in at 3.51 kilograms!
Could you break this record?
Different origins according to the seed
We can differentiate tomato seeds according to two types:
GMO tomatoes
They are known as transgenic or genetically modified. These are varieties that, for many experts. However, they have excellent resistance in their growth and impressive fruits; their flavor may be affected. It is more common in agriculture; it could be challenging to obtain the same results from the first generation in the second.
Hybrid Tomatoes
Although often confused with genetically modified, this type of seed refers to plants pollinated by different varieties of tomato—results in variable characteristics in both the plant and its fruit.
Although they are not difficult to plant and harvest.
Keep in mind that the fruits and plant types can vary from one generation to the next so that they can be a nice momentary experiment.
Open pollinated
Refers to seed varieties that come from plants whose pollination has been controlled, for example, in greenhouses where only one specific tomato variety was present.
And although it sounds like an elegant process, your garden plants may end up creating this type of seed.
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Hariloom or Heiresses
They are the queens of the seeds and acquire their name by the purity of their obtaining.
This type of seeds is the most expensive and sought after, as they represent the plants that existed before genetic modification or crosses.
They are supposed to be 100% original specimens of each of the varieties. It is considered that the flavor of the resulting fruits can only be cataloged as unique.
This variety is precisely the one found in the most critical seed banks of the world, and, as it is possible to imagine, it has no variations from generation to generation.
It is best to choose a tomato variety that is common in your region and one that you like; regardless of the technical aspects, it will be much more motivating to plant those fruits that you are eager to try.
What month is good for planting tomatoes?
We cannot grow tomatoes at any time of the year and in any place. So when should we plant tomato plants? The answer cannot be clear about it because it depends on where you are.
Tomatoes are plants that do not tolerate the cold well. Therefore, temperatures below 10ºC tend to make tomato plants suffer a lot. On the other hand, they also do not do well in extreme heat.Temperatures of more than 40º tend to burn and dry out tomato plants relatively quickly. Depending on where you are, you will have to do a little planning. Generally, it is ideal once spring has entered where the heat increases but does not suffocate as in summer.
The reason is simple, in the beginning, the tomato plants are usually much weaker than when they have taken root and have climbed sufficiently. So spring is usually a good month because of the ideal temperatures; there is no cold and extreme heat.
In Spain, for example, an excellent month to start planting tomatoes is usually in May or April (if it is warm). June is not bad either. In other parts of the world, such as Latin America, it will depend on the beginning of spring.
- Bueno, Mariano (Autor)
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How far apart should tomatoes be planted?
It depends on the variety, but we will generally leave a distance between 40cm and 60cm. We will make some good ridges and plant the tomato plants leaving a prudent distance. It is important to plan and not plant other plants that can directly compete for the tomato.
See below 😉
How should we prepare the soil before growing tomatoes?
The perfect substrate
Whether you are planting in pots or a small portion of your garden, it is worthwhile (and this is a general rule of gardening) to get the best possible soil. A good fertilizer is leachate.
Use a high-quality fertilizer and investigate the specific needs of the variety you are going to plant; that way, you will not only guarantee that the plant will have optimal growth, but you will improve the quality of the color, size, and flavor of the fruits.
You can go to a horse stable, where they usually have plenty of excrement. Another way to improve the soil in which you are going to plant tomatoes is to use homemade organic matter such as compost from food scraps in your home.
Buy a compost box and put everything organic in it—eggshells, fruit skins, vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, etc. You can also add iron sulfate if you think the soil lacks iron. All this, after a while, will have considerably nourished a portion of the ground, which added to animal manure, can be a perfect combination.
Soil with good drainage
Tomato plants do not tolerate that the soil in which they live does not drain water well and therefore becomes waterlogged.
What do we need to plant tomatoes?
Once you decide on a variety, there are several ways to start planting. The first thing is to organize everything you need:
- Humus de lombriz de máxima calidad 100% ecológico.
- Materia orgánica rica en microorganismos. (1 gramo de humus contiene alrededor de 2 billones de microorganismos) La...
- Estimulador del desarrollo radicular de las plantas y su absorción de nutrientes. Posee un pH neutro que lo hace ideal para...
- El humus de lombriz aumenta la calidad y producción de las cosechas. Presenta una baja relación C/N, permitiendo una...
Última actualización el 2024-02-01 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
By transplant or seed?
You may find many opinions among experts as to how best to get started with the task of growing your tomato plants.
For some gardeners, beginners should start by buying a fully grown seedling and simply transplanting it to the ideal site for growth.
On the other hand, others consider tomato gardening an ideal practice to begin acquiring knowledge about how to grow a plant from seed.
It’s not a highly complex science (like other more demanding plants can be), so don’t be intimidated by the idea of starting your plants from scratch.
In case you are a more practical person and would prefer to leave the seed experience for later, keep in mind these tips for transplanting your plant:
- Seek specimens from a local farmer, ensuring they are organic and good quality plants.
- Ask for advice and guidance on the variety and care they give to such plants.
- You can cut the stems closest to the root; this way, you can plant the plant deeper and give it more stability in its growth.
- If you plant your tomatoes next to each other, make sure the plants have enough space between them.
- Use fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks (such as calcium nitrate) to make sure the soil holds nutrients (this is especially important for tomatoes planted in pots).
- Clear the soil of weeds, leaves, or pests that may affect their growth.
For those who want the whole experience and wish to see their green child grow from the start, the process is simple, although it must be carried out with care:
Sowing Tomatoes by Seed
Must-know tricks for planting tomatoes
- Your plants will require good spacing , pots of about 5 gallons (20 liters) or about 55 cm in diameter. Remember that containers tend to leach nutrients frequently (every time you water the nutrients escape) so fertilize frequently.
- When the first leaves come out, we must prune those that remain on the lower part of the stem . In this way we get the tomato plant to grow much stronger.
- If planting in soil, leave at least 60-70 cm between the plants , so that they have a good air circulation and no strong shade between them.
- Prune the branches close to the base if they look moribund, it is not necessary to go crazy with pruning, but evaluate it judiciously.
- As mentioned above, tomato plants require many hours of light . Therefore, place them in a place where the sun shines most of the day.
- Make sure the drainage of the pots is working properly, it is common to drown tomato plants because of this failure. .
- Keep a constant eye on your plants, plant a few extra specimens in case some die along the way (And if they survive and you can’t have it, how about giving a tomato plant to a good friend?).
- When preparing the seedbed you can use any disposable container (bottles, yogurt cups, egg cartons) but you must make it a point to poke holes in them, you can make this a simple activity using a hot knife for plastics.
- Tomatoes, like many vegetables (even if it is a fruit) require a soil with a slightly acidic pH (6.5-6.8). If you are in doubt about what that means, check with your local nursery and they can guide you on what substrate meets these requirements.
Última actualización el 2024-02-01 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
During growth
Tomatoes are generally climbing plants. Even the smaller varieties, such as cherry tomatoes, will surprise you with their growth and size, so giving them a rack or support pole after planting will be helpful, if not essential.
- Avoid handling the fruits during their development (although getting involved with those little tomatoes). It is important to handle the silver as little as possible so as not to do any damage.
- Fertilizer use (especially during the flowering season) is vital. Locate broad-spectrum fertilizers (containing nitrogen, but not in excess).
- Too much nitrogen can lead to tomato plants that grow large and have many leaves but still do not bear fruit.
- Avoid fertilizers containing pesticides or herbicides; it may even be advisable to get good homemade fertilizer recipes.
- When the fruits ripen, you can cut them without fear, avoid staking the plant and use pruning shears to take each tomato, cutting diagonally along the upper stem.
- Try to create certain habits around the care of your plant, such as watering it every morning while you drink your morning coffee or checking the leaves in the evenings when you come home from work; that way, you can prevent and attack any impending problems at the right time.
Diseases and pests of tomato
The whitefly is very common in greenhouse or indoor tomatoes; this terrible insect sucks the liquids from your plant, drying and wilting it while deteriorating the fruit in the process of ripening.
It is necessary to use repellents that are ideal for attacking the types of flying garden insects (avistas, mites, bugs, or others) to combat it. You can even use organic pesticides to avoid chemicals on your plant.
Such as neem oil or potassium soap.
Different types of mites are capable of attacking and damaging your tomatoes, although they are invisible to many, their effects are clear: dry and yellowed leaves, deteriorated unripe fruits and a general decay of the plant.
To control it, it is necessary to remove the affected parts of the plant and use a specialized acaricide since it is considered a very resistant pest.
Especially if the plants’ environment is very humid, hot, and not well ventilated, it becomes an optimal hotbed for the development of fungal diseases.
Fungi are present in a latent state in different natural spaces (soil, for example). Still, they usually become active when the atmospheric conditions are right for their optimal development.
In this sense, it is essential to maintain spacing and ventilation between plants. It is also essential to check that the plants are not affected by other diseases. For example, plant lesions caused by spider mites could result in future fungus development, that is, a never-ending medical nightmare.
The fungus produces rotting in the root, stem, and leaves, and it is possible to see how the plant begins to darken and weaken in a specific area (such as the base). The plant then becomes curved, becoming flaccid until it collapses.
- Huerto urbano
- Medidas: 60x80x80cm
- Realizado en madera tratada
- Cajón con 24 cm de profundidad y tejido tnt
Última actualización el 2024-02-01 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Red spiders
Spider mites are tiny insects. To the human eye, they are practically indistinguishable until they populate our tomato plants in large numbers. In this case, red dots do start to appear.
These spiders are very dangerous for tomato plants because they feed on them at the cellular level.
The best way to combat this spider mite, as with most pests when planting tomatoes, is with prevention.
A continuous watering of the tomato plants (avoiding wetting the leaf), added to good fertilization of the soil, and a daily check of the growth of our plants will avoid most of these problems.
If the spider mite is already installed, the «cleanest» way to eliminate it is to remove insect by insect. However, this is a Chinese job due to the small size of this spider. Another way is to apply potassium soap, which acts by softening these insects’ bodies and end up dying.
Sources: How do I combat spider mites?
Tomato hornworms
As the name suggests, these worms are assiduous eaters of tomatoes.
It is easy to identify their presence because it is possible to see large holes in the fruit. On many occasions, the criminal with his hands in the dough eats them.
They do not leave traces of slime and can be attacked with any specialized worming chemical. Some disease symptoms are not associated with a particular pest or fungus, but with the plant’s bacteria.
One of the most straightforward and most common symptoms is the presence of small black spots on tomato fruits, these bacteria dry out the plant and make the fruits unfit for consumption.
To prevent all the diseases mentioned above, it is also good to study the soil and avoid the growth of weeds or excess plant debris in the ground, which can lead to something worse.
When you are going to plant tomatoes, make sure to clean the area where you want to plant them and that the soil is well aerated, using a motor home.
Suppose the planting is done in the garden. In that case, you can also use the ancient technique of mixing the crop, in which you use plantings of plants resistant to these pests that act as guardians of your tomatoes.
Tomato spotted wilt mite
There is a particular mite with Aculops Lycopersicon, also known as Vasates destructor and Phyllocoptes destructor.
I belong to the family Eriophyddae, which moves very freely on tomato plants.
Its origin is in Australia, but it has managed to spread throughout the world.
Their behavior is aggressive because, despite their diminutive size, they have a tremendous ability to suck plant cells on leaves and stems until they are completely damaged, withering them beyond saving.
They leave no wounds or gills but can move freely around the tomato plant, parasitizing, living at the expense of their host without shame.
Verticillium wilt
Verticillium or verticillium is a common soil fungus that thrives in temperate climates around the world and can be present in the soil for decades. Verticillium overwinters in the soil in the form of dormant mycelium or tiny black resting structures called microsclerotia, waiting for favorable conditions to return.
They enter damaged plant tissue through the roots and multiply. Many common weeds, such as dandelion and dandelion weeds, can be Verticillium host species. Verticillium wilt is a disease that affects more than 350 species of ridiculous plants.
Six species of Verticillium fungi cause it: Verticillium dahlias, Verticillium albo-atrium, Verticillium longisporum, Verticillium nubile, Verticillium theobromae, and Verticillium tricorpus.
Many plants with significant economic weight are susceptible, such as cotton, tomatoes, potatoes, canola, eggplants, peppers, ornamentals, and others in natural vegetation communities.
Many eudicot species and crops are resistant to the disease, and all monocots, gymnosperms, and ferns are immune. To know more: Verticillium Verticillosis in the Orchard: What is it? How do we identify it?
Grooved cochineal
- The grooved mealybug bases its feeding on the consumption of sap that it sucks from different areas of the plants.
- However, this is a damage that could be considered as primary, since it also generates subsequent consequences that cause concern.
- The first of them is that they discard a kind of honeydew that they leave along the plant.
- This honeydew is attractive to other insects, such as ants, which find it a pleasant source of food.
- But the most harmful thing is that the honeydew serves as a breeding ground for the fungus that produces a disease known as black mold.
- Therefore, if corrective measures are not taken in time, we could not only be faced with the need to deal with a pest attack, but also with a disease.
How to preserve and enjoy tomatoes?
The tomato fruit goes through different stages before reaching its optimum ripening point. Once it reaches the final size it will start to turn from green to a vibrant red or yellow color (depending on the variety).
The ideal is to harvest the fruit when it reaches its maximum color point but prevent it from over-ripening and becoming soft (to know this, it is necessary to touch the firmness of the fruit without mistreating it).
Once you have a crop of tomatoes ready to eat, you can opt for multiple preparations depending on the number of tomatoes you get. Tomatoes will keep fresh in your refrigerator for up to a week.
An excellent option to preserve your tomatoes is to can them by drying them and storing them with plenty of olive oil and spices to taste. After cooking them, keep them with vinegar and oil and sterilized glass containers.
There is also the option of saving the tomatoes to make a canned presentation of them – imagine keeping a record of all your harvests so you can compare the taste!
It is also possible to enjoy the full flavor and benefits of tomatoes through juicing. A glass of tomato juice has much more vitamin C than a glass of orange juice, so it can even be an exciting complement to detox diets or juice therapy.
To prepare them in sauces, it is necessary to make small cross-shaped incisions in the skin and place them to boil for 5-10 minutes in water, then place in cold water. The skin will come off quickly. Optionally you can remove the seeds for a less acid taste.
Another widely used option is to vacuum pack. What you should do is fill a tomato container. Then, this container is put to boil with water in a pit for a long time. In this way, we can vacuum pack and preserve much better for future tomato sauces. We recommend that you try all kinds of recipes with your tomatoes.
Enjoy to the fullest the result of the experience of having brought to the table (literally) your food. You can even compare the taste of a supermarket tomato and the ones you just harvested, fresh and raw, in salads or as snacks will be an enriching experience.
Determinate and indeterminate tomatoes
To make the task of choosing the variety of tomatoes we are going to work with easier, the species will be divided into two main categories: determinate and indeterminate.
Tomatoes determined
The determinate tomatoes are those varieties whose physiognomy is more similar to that of a bush.
Their size is small, and they are harvested (unfortunately) only once. Their maintenance is simple since they do not require pruning. Their rapid development and compact presentation make them ideal for planting pots in small spaces (such as balconies or windows).
They get their name because they grow throughout the season (i.e., different parts of the plant are flowering and bearing fruit simultaneously), so their harvest is increasing.
Indeterminate tomatoes
This variety requires pruning (since it never stops growing!) and some support (a wooden stick) to help these little green giants to grow and resist the weight of the fruits. Because of its uncontrolled size, it requires more space or much larger pots.
Depending on your needs and tastes, you can choose one option or the other. If you want to enjoy a simple harvest, like making a Neapolitan sauce to enjoy with friends, determinate tomatoes are for you.
On the other hand, if you want to live an experience closer to the harvest, learn to interact with the plant (and some simple concepts such as pruning), and enjoy fresh tomatoes for several months of the year, you should give indeterminate tomatoes a try.
And don’t worry, you don’t need acres of land to have them, with just 3 or 4 plants you could enjoy tomatoes for your family for quite a while.
Types of tomato and how to plant them
The tomato, besides being one of the most popular and simple fruits for every beginner gardener, has the characteristic of being very appreciated in the kitchen. It has multiple varieties that can be used for different purposes, some of the most common are:
Apple tomato or weeping tomato
Large, juicy, rounded, and full of flesh, it is trendy in restaurants and for repairs where you want to show off the size of the fruit. It is also commonly used in sauces when large quantities are to be made.
Pear or Roma tomato
Of medium size and elongated, it is one of the most common varieties. Its color varies between reddish and a little more orange. It is very versatile in salads, and its plant is characterized by being quite tall.
Charcoal or Black Cherry Tomato
As its name indicates, this particular variety is famous in haute cuisine for its relatively dark, intense red wine color.
Cherry tomato
One of the most popular cultivars, it has become famous especially for its curious and fun miniature presentation, ideal for salads and canapés. Cherry tomatoes have an excellent flavor, and their planting is quite fast.
Tomato Muchamiel
Fleshy and tasty variety, its skin is quite tough and grows to a good size. It starts with a light greenish tone and evolves to a deep red with time.
In addition to the above types, there are at least five other varieties of tomatoes, and depending on the region, it is even possible to get many more. In addition, the fruit can have variations in color and shape that alter its taste and uses.
It is crucial to determine which variety grows most easily depending on your region, the type of soil, the climate, the season of the year, and of course the type of space where you want to plant: whether it is in a pot or indoors or perhaps in a small garden in your outdoor garden.
Health benefits of tomatoes
Helps prevent cancer
The high lycopene content in tomatoes makes them a robust container of antioxidants, which, as it is already clearly extended, help to fight cancer and prevent premature aging, even in the case of prostate cancer.
Within the prostate cancer statistics, studies conducted by a group of British universities state that ten servings of tomatoes a week reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 20%.
Regulates blood pressure
Tomatoes contain many vitamins and minerals that help improve overall health, one of its most prominent minerals is, counteracting the harmful effects that sodium has on it.
According to the American Association of Cardiovascular Care, the daily intake of potassium should be around 4700mg per day, taking care not to exceed the recommended amount. This amount can be obtained with our daily food, and two pieces of tomato already contribute 20% of these requirements.
Beneficial during pregnancy
For pregnant women, tomatoes can be a great ally. The lycopene mentioned above joins the important presence of vitamin C in this fruit, creating an ideal food for the baby’s health, contributing to its optimal development.
They even help combat some of the annoying symptoms of pregnancy, such as colitis, inflammation, gas, and digestive ulcers, promoting the inflammation and overall health of the stomach.
Lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health
The superpower of lycopene present in tomatoes does not stop. It is shown how it contributes to lowering LDL cholesterol levels (commonly known as bad cholesterol) by up to 10% with just a daily intake of 25mg of lycopene.
Which translates into about half a sauce of homemade tomatoes, a bowl of tomato soup, or even a glass of tomato juice in the mornings. In a Harvard Medical School article, tomatoes are listed as one of the recommended foods for lowering cholesterol levels.
In addition, their high content of beta-carotene and flavonoids make them excellent protectors of cardiovascular health in patients of any age, making them a strong ally of the medical society.
Help for diabetic patients
For people who maintain this condition, tomatoes are great protagonists in their diet.
Their significant presence of iron, vitamin C, and E help to improve the symptoms of diabetes. With just 200 grams of tomatoes a day, they can feel an improvement in their daily life, besides assisting them to enjoy many other benefits for their overall health.
Helps prevent kidney stones and stones in the kidneys
Once again, the antioxidants present in tomatoes help fight this common ailment. Both in salads and sauces, it is possible to enjoy its benefits.
However, as an additional recommendation to all patients with kidney stones, preparing tomato juice helps to enjoy its diuretic capabilities and fluid intake that improves the condition and cleansing of the urinary tract all in one!
They contribute to strengthening your immune system
Tomatoes increase the number of white blood cells present in the body and their performance. Our natural warriors will greatly benefit from the intake of foods rich in antioxidants, such as tomatoes (study).
Reduce inflammation
Most brightly colored vegetables contain multiple types of carotenes (such as beta-carotene and zeta-carotene), and tomatoes are no exception to this rule.
When cooked, the tomato (by removing skin and seeds) is a very easily digestible food. In addition to its load of apolicopenoids, it helps prevent inflammation and stimulate overall digestive health.
Cherry tomatoes are also low in calories (only 27 calories per tomato), making them ideal for weight loss diets. They are versatile in their preparation, either roasted, cooked, or raw so that you can use these little friends in your daily diet.
Stimulate cognitive abilities
Tomatoes could make you smarter or at least help you improve your mental functions.
The brain is an organ with a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. It, therefore, needs to fight free radicals with an intense load of antioxidants, as we already know that tomatoes contain.
Improve the appearance of hair, skin and nails
Tomatoes are a great ally for beauty and external health as well. Many home treatments include eating tomatoes or creating masks, creams and ointments with them.
You can create a homemade tonic by adding a few drops of tomato juice to a bottle of distilled water and applying it to your face. It can also be beneficial to make a mask with tomato puree that you can leave for 10-20 minutes at least once a week.
In addition to improving the appearance of pores, tomatoes combat the harmful effects of the sun. The strong presence of vitamins A, B, C, and E contributes to the health and beauty of nails and hair, making them more resistant, abundant, and full of vitality.
Tomato History
The benefits of planting tomatoes are innumerable; not only will you have the pleasure of watching one of the most popular fruits in international cuisine grow and develop.
You will also be able to enjoy the 100% organic benefits of food rich in antioxidants, beneficial for pregnant women, the sick, and excellent for boosting the immune system.
Tomatoes have their origins in Central and South America but were quickly imported and added to the European and Mediterranean culture.
It is an undisputed protagonist of some of the most emblematic dishes, especially within the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese gastronomies.
In the beginning, the Europeans looked askance at the showy fruits, considering them poisonous because of their imposing reddish color. Still, the Aztecs were already using them and cooking them in some pre-Columbian recipes.
Its scientific name is Solanum Lycopersicum, and it belongs to the Solanum genus and the Solanaceae family. Today, the tomato is widespread in all continents, present in many countries’ local cuisine, and its varieties have come to form a wide range of flavors, colors, and presentations.
Today, China and India are two of the primary tomato producers globally. It is considered a profitable and attractive export product. The nutritional value of tomatoes makes them a food of good biological value and important dietary uses. Its benefits are listed and supported by different studies.
Tomato Nutritional Information
- 22 Kilocalorías
- 1 gramo de proteína
- 5 gramos de carbohidratos
- 1 gramo de fibra
- 6 miligramos de Vitamina C
- 1025 miligramos de Vitamina A
- 7 miligramos de Vitamina K
- 292 miligramos de potasio
- 1 miligramos de manganeso
- 1 miligramos de Vitamina B6
- 54 miligramos de ácido fólico
Soy Arantxa Bellido y hace años que colaboro con Sembrar100. Soy graduada en Ingeniería Agroambiental (2014) por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agroambientales. También he cursado el Programa Oficial de Posgrado en Agrobiología Ambiental por la Universidad de Navarra.